What is Digital Transformation ?

Digital transformation

The incorporation of digitizing the data introducing digital technology to the processes is known as digital transformation.

As per the words of Greg Verdino,

  • Digital transformation closes the gap between what digital customers already expect and what analog business actually delivers.

Digital transformation is a matter of survival. Nowadays, every industry wants to digitize its processes since it will result in their growth and thus will increase the revenue.

Benefits of Digital Transformation:

  1. Technology is evolving at an exponential rate thus making the processes digitize will help to increase the revenue.
  2. Through digital transformation, the data has become more useful, predictive maintenance is one of the key factors.
  3. The importance is of data, not just big batches of data in fact real-time data, the data related to your ongoing processes and history of processes which helps the concerned person to make the right decisions which lead to innovation and success.
  4. By using the information from real-time data, industries have transformed their process for improved customer satisfaction.

Digital transformation depends on data but the informative data depends on the collection of data, proper analysis of data, data security and also the application. Thus, the steps for digital transformation are:

steps of digital transformationn

Digital Transformation: Technological Revolution in Manufacturing Industry

Digital Transformation : Technological Revolution in Manufacturing Industry

Digital transformation has brought a new era of technological revolution in the manufacturing industry. Digital transformation helps in utilizing data of every activity of manufacturing process.

Digital transformation impacts all the process from raw material to finished goods. It helps in making the process systematic and helps in generating a revenue.

Benefits of Digital Transformation

There are tremendous benefits of Digital transformation, brief is as follows:

  1. Quality:

    Machine learning algorithms are applied in the process of production from where production process data is generated. This helps in predicting the defects in the production line, also it helps to predict the root cause of defects if any.

    Thus, it helps in maintaining the quality in production line as well as it helps to save a lot of time which can be used for productive process.

  2. Cost:

    Capturing and analyzing data at all points of the manufacturing line which includes production line and manufacturing data. Analyzing data helps to identify new cost saving opportunities.

    Inventory management can be done with the help of IIOT. Inventory management helps to further reduce the wastage in the industry which indirectly impacts the cost of production.Safety & Security

  3. Safety & Security:

    For digital transformation sensors are to be placed at different points of a process to analyse the data which can intimate in advance of any irregularity.

  4.  Customization:

    Nowadays customization is a key to unlock the requirements of customers. It can be easily achieved with digital transformation. With digitization manufacturing lines can offer a wide customization options to customers while remaining competitive in price.

  5.  Productivity:

    Analysing of data helps in better and faster processes. Since real time data is available with the help of IIOT which further is used for reducing the downtime and increasing the production rate.

    Pre information of data is helpful for preventing malfunction in the production line.

  6.  Cloud Computing Platform:

    Industrial cloud applications are used for capturing and accessing the data which is fast, helpful for easy updates and can be accessed on mobile or desktops as per the convenience.

  7. Advanced Analytics:

    IIOT has the ability to receive constant information from sensors and respond with analysed data in real time. It makes machine learning very powerful tool in providing benefits in production through IIOT.

    IIOT has helped with predictive maintenance, the behaviour can be very well understood of machines with their real time data. The machines can be well identified with accuracy for the errors and malfunctioning.

    Digital transformation is vital aspect for IIOT implementation in a manufacturing process. The digitization should cover all the aspects of Industry which includes production, development, delivery, quality and analysis.

Leveraging the power of Digitization and Connectivity

Leveraging the power of Digitization and Connectivity

Throughout the old golden days the Factory Floor is being assumed as a place with lots of machines, raw materials, man power, reports etc.

The manufacturing industries use manual reporting system to check the output product report, to check the working efficiency of the machine, to check the downtime and to check the working of process of manufacturing. Since the manual reports utilize the manpower, manipulation may take place, manual intervention can be there, no real time data is available. To overcome these challenges digitization  come into the picture.


Digitization means collection of data from non-intelligent machines irrespective of their makes, protocols over the common platform so that each machine on the shop floor can share the required data to another machine.

Thus, digitization helps in increasing the efficiency of the manufacturing process , which in return increases the productivity and makes the manufacturing unit cost effective too.

Thus , in recent times the Factory Floor are connected into more equipped with automation and new technologies which are more focused on quality and efficiency.

The Factory floors now have clarity, speed, more efficient, cost effective, more productive, Real Time Data and all this with minimal downtime. It has now become supercharged with Automation, Industry 4.0, OEE , IIOT.



The thing which leads the whole process is digitization and connectivity.

It leads towards the interconnected manufacturing , less downtime and more cost effective and efficient manufacturing times.




Industrial Digitization

Industrial Digitization

Industrial Digitization is essentially getting the data and process networks converge across internal departments of the organization and geographical boundaries. The digitization may affect various aspects like new consumption patterns and information processes.On one side, digitization comes with a question of how the principles of Industry 4.0 or can say how the utilization of technology can help us to extend the efficiency, quality of production/ manufacturing.  Also how it’ll help to extend the security of processes and structures.The digital factory or smart factory plays a lead role during this . The global digitized networks are created round the smart factory through the utilization of consistent assistance systems, comprehensive adaptive systems and data technologies. This allows very flexible and efficient manufacturing up to economic manufacture of individual product. This mainly helps engineering, manufacturing, supply chain management and custom management.On the opposite side, the goal of Industrial digitization is developing smart products and services to take advantage of the potential IOT for revenue and new applications or developments.Thus, smart products will perform autonomous tasks by exploiting integrated connectivity, sensors and computing capacities, coordinating centrally and decentralize via cloud platforms and adapt to changing environmental conditions and tasks.
Also, smart products from the basis for the development of services which is known as predictive maintenance.Industrial digitization thus means the introduction of latest innovation, work organizational principles in supply chain of the manufacturing industry and their integration with lean principles.

Transformation of Manufacturing Industry through Digitization

Transformation of Manufacturing Industry through Digitization

Definition of Digitization:

Industry Digitization is the first step towards Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT). In simple words digitization is a process of turning non-digital formats of information into digital formats. Like clay models into CAD files, letters into emails, hardcopy report files in excel reports etc.

Most important point is to keep the processes and systems same when processes are digitized. It is also called making the industry go Paperless.

Few transformations in manufacturing industries:

Here are few transformations that will take place in manufacturing industries if digitization is introduced:

  1. Speed of Manufacturing will Increase

The speed of manufacturing industry is going to increase with digital transformation,

For instance the system will move fast from design to floor and back again as the changes required from engineering team.

Now days the process is manual in many cases. First 3D designs are converted into 2 D books and then 2D books are delivered to machinist to review and then the same is returned to engineering team for amendment if any.


The inefficiency that is taking place in manufacturing industries is:

  1. It consumes lot of time and man hours.
  2. Factories are usually globalized sending exact information may get time taking.
  3. No auto-check facility and it is tedious task to further innovate to optimize the process.

Hence, Digitization makes the process more efficient and fast.

  1. Making the manufacturing process globalized:

We all know, in any manufacturing industry there are different plants operating same or different processes related to the specific product. Through digitization we can share the data globally without any delay.

For instance as one plant closes for the day and the other one with different time zone is opening up , required data or information can be shared seamlessly without any downtime.

Thus, digitization enables to share the essential data in real time across multiple global locations.

Also, enabling data to be accessed in real time across different places in the world impact on innovation trends and creates new opportunities.

Once the processes are digitized then additional technologies like machine learning, AR, IIOT, machine intelligence, IIOT, Industry 4.0 and complete life cycle can emerge.