We are giving Labview based Test and Measurement solutions to various customers/ Industries from last 18 years, some of them are mentioned below.


The Mechatronic Application Includes: Pick-and-place applications comprise both primary handling—putting individual pieces of product into a tray or carton—and case packing. Advances in materials of construction, controlling software and hardware, vision systems.


We have provide end to end solutions for various process application which includes: Using Automation in process we supply complete end to end controller login in ICE Plant, Cold Storage, Meat process, Diary, Beverages etc.


Being a Automation Solution provider to Many Automotive manufacturing units and their vendors also, we take pride in providing the solutions such as furnance control, Paint shop automation, conveyor line automation, Andon (OEE for machine, line and plant) System.

Reporting & Analytic Services

The Information Flow is necessity of these days as it enables the real time data to get transferred to the concerned stake holders in custom made formats as per requirement. Earlier this data was manually prepared in the form of reports and was sent to concerned stake.